Week 3, part 1

Social media has become a convenient and accepted way for consumers to communicate with
businesses.  Many have facebook business pages and twitter accounts that allow their customers
and associates to communication with them without ever having to pick up the phone.  Customers feel
more connected to the companies they purchase from when the opportunity exists to get feedback
promptly when they have a concern.

As far as positive social media communication experiences go, I really have not attempted
communication through any platforms so I can’t say that I have had any!  I have had unpleasant
experiences when trying to communicate with businesses. My worst experiences have been dealing
with phone companies, both in my personal life and professional life.  I never leave comments or
feedback on social media. Several years ago I was so infuriated by a situation with AT&T that I took
to Yelp. I left my negative comments and never received anything in return, but I felt better knowing
maybe I could warn others and prevent them from having the same experience.  The best I can say
is at least I got everything canceled, but I did not feel good about the experience as a whole. There
was no customer service involved, I had to fight the whole way through.

As a business owner, it is important to monitor comments left online about your business.  Both
negative and positive remarks should be recognized. Obviously the negative remarks that are left
are an opportunity to remedy a situation and hopefully retain that customer.  But the positive remarks
deserve a “Thanks” as well. It goes a long way to show that the company listens, not just to the
complainers, but to the satisfied people as well. Another advantage of reading reviews and comments
is gaining insight into what your customers needs and wants are out of your service or product.  This
knowledge can enable a business owner to improve areas that their customers see as needing
attention, as well as to know what is working well for their customers.


  1. Hey Lisa!
    Its interesting hearing people's approaches to business's and brands like yours for example. With the type of brand that I own the only negative comments are based on people who just troll on the internet, but I kinda forget sometimes about how a majority of business work with products designed of customers. I think that customer service is the biggest point that could make or break a brand as well though! Loved your post good job!

  2. Phone companies are THE WORST lol. I am glad to hear you got things cancelled. Also I do feel it is important to leave some sort of feedback. If not to get the attention of the company, then to warn potential clients of your experience so that they do not have to go through the same ordeal. We thank you! :)

  3. Hey Lisa,
    I also do not like having phone conversations. I feel sometimes the customers calling are more prepared and informed than those receiving our calls. I would think by having a large business it would be easier to reply to the comments but I have realized that isn't always the case. In a time where customer service is key, the relationship online is terrible.


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