Week 4, post 1

The first two sites I visited were Roverp6cars.com and Jamilin.com.  Both of these sites had major problems with regard to aesthetic, ease of use/navigation and focusing on a concept.

The first thing I thought when going to Roverp6cars was the main page is way too busy.  Immediately your eye is drawn to everything that is flashing, while at the same time being pulled to look at the scrolling banners. Many different colors are used for the text.  I found it difficult to figure out what is most important to look at.  The navigation bar travels vertically down the side of the page rather than at the top.  The navigation buttons feature pics of rusted cars with type over the pic making the navigation buttons hard to read.  I also noticed the contact information for this company is somewhat buried in the middle of the main page rather than at the very top or bottom.  The page is so busy that I think the contact info would be easy to miss.

Roverp6cars could improve their site by simplifying the main page. Remove the flashing text and scrolling banners.  Maybe opt for one or the other and use sparingly for info that is important. Make the navigation bar clear and remove some of the pictures to improve the aesthetics of the page.

Jamilin.com is the kind of site that I run from.  It sends the message of a scam site that is urging you to click on one of the flashing links only to download a virus onto your computer!  Honestly, I didn't even want to be on it!  The concept is not clear at all.  Is the site promoting skin care?  Wellness? Interior design? Chakra healing?  It is a very confusing site.  The logo or brand is not immediately noticeable.  Again, the main page is overly busy with different text color and type, many pictures and a lot to read.  There are multiple areas for navigation which is confusing.  It feels like someone with ADD made this website.

This site could be improved by simplifying the main page.  Choose a CALM picture as the main focus with clean navigation buttons.  Each button can take you to a different page focused on one topic rather than having a little of everything on the main page. Come up with a logo to place in the top left corner and make the contact information visible.

The second two sites I visited were headhunterhairstyling and pennyjuice.   These sites were much better than the first set.  They both had clear concepts and were focused on their products and service.  They were also much easier to navigate.

HeadHunterHairstyling was my favorite website. The logo is very clearly placed at the top left of the page with the navigation bar immediately following.  The home page is clean and simplistic.  The video ads interest.  All social media links are at the bottom of the short main page.  This site is very visually appealing and easy to navigate which makes for a good user experience. 

PennyJuice checked many of the right boxes.  The logo was at the top left, with clear navigation bar.  All methods of contacting the company are clearly shown at the bottom of the main page.  Their concept and purpose was clear.  I can't seem to put my finger on it, but there was something that really turned me off about this site.  Nothing felt important.  Nothing grabbed my attention.  I think that they may have used too much color for my liking.  I get that their product is for young children, hence the rainbow of color, but I think it makes for a less aesthetically pleasing appearance. 


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