Week 5, post 1

For this assignment I chose to compare Subway and Hungry Bear.  They are both sandwich shops and would appeal to very similar audiences.  Subway is clearly a franchise, while Hungry Bear is not.  This difference is obvious from their websites.  Subway looks very commercial and typical of a franchise while Hungry Bear's site looks like an independent designer did it.  It feels fancy, like more care was taken with the design.   I felt the tone of the two sites differed as well.  Hungry Bear felt local and fun and part of the community.  I got the impression that Subway was trying to achieve the same, but I didn't FEEL it like I did with Hungry Bear.

The target market for both businesses is people that want fresh food.  Subway's motto has been "Eat Fresh" since I can remember, playing to people that want fresh, more nutritious food than the typical fast food eatery offers.  Both places offer sandwiches but Hungry Bear has a full menu outside of the typical sandwich including breakfast, salads, and chicken which will attract more people than subway with their hard focus on sandwiches. 

The main target audience difference I identify is socioeconomic.  Subway is an affordable chain whereas Hungry Bear is a little more upscale.  Their menu features artisan choices of breads and cheeses and their portions appear larger from the pics on their website.  The person that goes to Hungry Bear is going to be someone that wants to support a local business and is willing to pay higher prices for the higher quality. Most often older adults would fit this description.  They prefer quality, have more room in the budget and understand the importance of supporting small businesses in their communities.

Overall, Subway and Hungry Bear offer similar products to a similar audience with the main differences being price and quality. 


  1. Hello Lisa,
    I like how you explained in detailed the comparison of the two restaurants. I agree with you on Hungry Bear looks fancy, their page looks more sophisticated in design. I also agree with you to state the artisan choices of bread and cheeses while Subway is limited in that matter.


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