Week 10, post 1

Using a blog for your business is a great way to increase traffic to your website and get your name and product out there.  People search the internet all day everyday for information and answers to questions they have.  Just yesterday I googled how to change the battery in my car key fob.  That search lead me to a blog, several you tube videos, and auto dealership websites that provide that service.  I was able to watch an instructional video, read about alternative options to doing it myself and even ran across a tip to use a silicone cover (sold on amazon) after putting the key back together to help ensure the key stays securely put back together.  I were a "car person"  that blog would've gained a new follower in me.  This is a great example of how blogs can reach people and increase the volume of traffic to your business.

Personal content is great to give your business something for your customers to relate to and can also give you credibility in your field.  For example, the business that I am working with this semester is my husbands baseball card collecting/trading venture.  We post events that we attend on social media.  He went to opening day for the Padres with the kids.  Going to this event lends credibility to him saying he loves baseball, as well as adding a personal touch.  There are a ton of people that went to opening day... they can see the pics and feel connected because they were there too.  Periodically he would post stories about humanitarian efforts major league ball players are involved in. I believe he saw that this kept me more interested in the teams and players if there was some redeeming quality about these guys that get paid big bucks to play a game for a living!

Corporate businesses do not typically post personal or relatable content.  It would be out of place.  My employer has a global presence and they do not run personal content.  In fact it is not even updated often.  Their social media presence and website is there to explain who they are and what they do.  There are no human interest stories or emotional connections there.


  1. I do agree that corporate businesses are lacking in posting personal relatable content. This is a problem corporations and global companies have when relating to their customer. When their executives are raking millions annually, it can seem as if they have little regard for customer relations. Their lives are alien to the ordinary working person's lives.

    I also concur with you on that personal content is a great way to give you credibility. If your husband appears knowledgeable about baseball and is an expert in the field, he will seem a reliable source to turn too. Further, your husband's posts of stories about baseball players, i.e. humanitarian efforts, can also attract new leads and customers to your site who were only initially interested in his stories, but end up leaving with baseball cards.

  2. It's funny you say that because in a business class, a professor stated that there are no feelings or emotions in business. Which I thought as a cruel way to see it, but I guess it's true and it depends on the type of business too and what the business is trying to accomplish and who their target market is.


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