Week 12, post 2

One of the sites mentioned in the assignment, MeetUp,  I had totally forgotten about.  I created an account on that site many years ago when my daughter was a toddler to try to find other young parents to have kid playdates with, go to parks, etc... I visited it again just now to see if there were any groups out there for card collectors, or collectors in general, and unfortunately did not find any! I was surprised!  Maybe I should talk my husband into starting a group!  I could see people joining the meet up to go to events, ball games, get together and break boxes... sounds fun!

I don't know that any other sites noted would really benefit us.  Yelp would if we really turned into a store, but the fact that hubby wants to keep his venture small and personal means we won't be going "retail".   I use Yelp all the time when looking for restaurants.  I like that I can see reviews, have a link to their website, see pics of the food, and in many cases view their menu all in one place.  I have also used it when looking for nail and hair salons, again for the same reasons.  I can see pics of customers' results, get pricing, hours, etc.... its a very convenient site that offers so much more than just reviews!


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