Week 13, post 2

Ads on social media are a great way to catch the attention of your audience and bring awareness to your products or services.  Design is important when creating your ads.  There are many points to consider.  If your company has a color theme, the same theme should be followed for branding purposes.  Bright colors will pull your reader's eye.  Using a call to action and creating a sense of urgency are good sales tactics as it places a fear of losing out if the reader doesn't act immediately.

Carousel Ads or Multi Product Ads would probably work best for our business.  We would be able to showcase multiple pics of eye catching cards using a carousel ad.  Every picture is an opportunity to catch the attention of the reader.  The cards themselves are eye catching and interesting.  Flashing a rare or coveted card to a collector is a great attention grabber that would stoke a feeling of desire to own such a card, which would lead to the collector further investigating our sites and available cards.  It seems that many businesses run daily ads for their services.  For a card collecting business, I think seasonal ads would be most effective.  During baseball season, around gift-giving holidays, or when anxiously awaited products are released.


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