Week 14

The ads that would most benefit our business of baseball card collecting and trading would be on facebook.  We have the greatest opportunity of reach here, due to the algorithms used to place products into the feeds of people who KNOW people that like a product or page.  

The objective for placing these ads would be to promote the business, get the name out there.  Since we aren't really selling a service, or in some cases not even "selling" anything the goal is to gain word of mouth popularity.  Maybe someone looking for a rare card would contact us by way of just being aware that we exist.  

Instagram really serves as a virtual picture album for some of the more interesting cards we have.  My husband feels strongly about keeping that feed "pure".  Given the rational noted above, I chose to go with the following ad types, all on facebook: automatic ad, promote your page, and promote your local business.  The "promote your business" ad allowed for a call to action, in which I encouraged viewers to like and comment for a chance to win a prize.  If there were more characters allowed, I would have added to comment "with your email address" to capture emails to send newletters to. 

Facebook automatic ad:

Facebook "promote your page" ad:

Facebook "promote your local business" ad


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